
Drive Book Cover

You may have heard me mention before that I am part of a monthly business book club.  We meet up (via zoom) on the last Thursday of each month to discuss the chosen book.  This month the book was Drive by Daniel Pink, which looks in to motivation.

The premise behind the book is the carrot and stick approach to leadership, whilst it sometimes has its place, it is no longer relevant to the society we live in today.  It goes on to discuss that according to numerous scientific studies that have been carried out, the carrot and stick approach kills creativity and innovation.

We are mostly business owners in the group and it was interesting that many within the group are motivated by other things other than money.  Doing great work for clients and genuinely helping people cane out very high in their motivations.

Daniel Pink describes a mixture of autonomy, mastery and purpose to be the perfect blend that leads to a fulfilled job/career.

This perfectly nailed why I set up in business and why I love doing what I do.

I have freedom to choose the clients we work with.  I strive for mastery, so we can offer the best possible service to our clients and the driving purpose, is a genuine desire to make an impact and help founders, business owners and their leadership teams achieve their business goals, with the benefit of informed property decisions.

If you are scaling your business and looking for a property expert to make an impact for you, then please give us a call.

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