Is Being Too Busy, Holding Back Your Property Move?

It’s been very noticeable that over the past couple of months, business seems to have shifted up another gear.  Far more conversations are happening with business owners who are saying they are the busiest they have ever been and they have got more work than they can cope with.

This might be you.  You might see this as a perfect opportunity to expand your business and if you have outgrown your existing property, you might be looking to move to a larger one. 

However, being busy and finding a property don’t sit well together.

You know that you need to find somewhere, but what you might not have realised is that the commercial property process can be very long winded and time consuming.  It’s not the case of a quick search on the internet or a quick phone call which then leads to finding something suitable (although very very occasionally that can happen).  Mostly it’s months and months of painstaking searching.  After a while, the enthusiasm to move lessens, inertia sets in and you end up staying put.

You ideally want to move, but you haven’t got the spare time to invest in finding somewhere.  You end up relying on the property agents database to send you something suitable, but mostly what the agents send to you, typically doesn’t fit the requirements. 

If this is you, you are not alone in this frustration.  This is a common problem.

You will be pleased to hear that there is a solution and that is to outsource the property search to a company that specialises in finding properties and sites for clients.

“Why should I pay someone else to do the search for me”.  I hear you say.  The answer is threefold

1 – By outsourcing to an expert, you (or a member of your team save the time of having to do the searching.  Your time and theirs can then be spent on managing your business, making the key executive decisions, that will increase your bottom line.

2 – With access to contacts and knowledge of the property market, the expert is likely to uncover more opportunities and probably quicker.  Easing the moving process for you and certainly reducing the level of frustration.


3 –  By utilising the expertise of your trusted property adviser, significant money can sometimes be saved, improving your performance and bottom line.

So if you need to move, but don’t have the spare time to invest in searching for property, then give us a call.  We are here to help you unleash the growth in your business.

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