Unleashing your Company’s Growth Potential

Over the past week, I have had a dozen or so conversations with business owners, who are all struggling to unleash the potential they have to grow their businesses. 

They have fared well during the pandemic, are overcoming some of the challenges around Brexit and are ready to grow their business.  Some want to make the leap from renting to owning their own building. 

They have their ducks in a row and one of the things that is stopping them, is the difficulty in finding a commercial property to move to. 

This may sound familiar?

The next property is an important stepping stone in your company’s journey, so choosing the right one is important, no let me correct that, it’s absolutely vital.

One of the conversations I’ve had this week is with the FD of a trade supply business.  Their lease is coming to an end and their current building will see them through for the next couple of years, but it isn’t right. 

The company has grown significantly over the past 18 months and they are now up to capacity.  They are being supported by their bank, who have suggested looking to purchase a property instead of renewing the existing lease. 

The FD has been looking for over 9 months, been led down a few dead ends and still has nothing to show for her efforts.  

This is incredibly frustrating and often because of the importance of finding the right property it is you who is often doing the searching, whilst trying to do your day job of running your business. 

For many businesses, the commercial property market is disconnected and finding the right property is not easy. 

It’s easy to waste large amounts of time, looking at the same properties over and over waiting for something new to come on to the market.  It can also be pretty demoralising as you imagine what you could have been doing with those wasted hours instead?   

Many businesses owners faced with this, will often give up on their search, as they simply haven’t got the time to spare. Broken dreams.

There is an alternative and even from a financial perspective, it makes sense to outsource the search to a commercial property expert.  To someone who knows their way around the property market, has the ear of the commercial property agents and ultimately knows where to look. 

I often wonder why property experts aren’t brought on board more often, to help businesses through this process? 

Is it because you expect it to be easy, is it that you don’t know the service exists, or is it that you don’t have anything better to do with your time?

I very much doubt it is the last one.  Surely you have got something better to do!!    

I suppose one of the questions going through your head is, if you appoint someone to work on this important project on your behalf, are there any guarantees that the right property will be found?

This cannot be guaranteed as there are so many variables that are outside of a property expert’s control (availability being the main one).  What is guaranteed though : is that with experience and knowledge, the market will be searched thoroughly, uncovering properties that otherwise remain hidden.

By allowing a trusted property expert to undertake the search on your behalf, there are two further benefits.  The first is the time you will save and then you can use this time in a more profitable way.

You may (or may not) be surprised to hear, over 83% of companies searching for property are not able to find what they are looking for.   

So this means that 4 out of every 5 companies searching for property, will either end up wasting more of their time and eventually give up on the search. Not great odds!!

If your business has the potential to grow and finding the right property is holding you back, outsource your search and let us help unleash your company’s growth potential. 

What have you got to lose, call us now?

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